Native Booking has established this privacy policy to explain to you how
your information is protected, collected and used, which may be updated by
Native Booking from time to time. Native Booking will provide notice of materially
significant changes to this privacy policy by posting notice on the Native Booking site.
We at Native Booking will not disclose any of your personal information you provide
to us and prohibit all third parties the use of collected data such as postal addresses,
telephone and fax numbers and email addresses for the transmission of unsolicited
advertising and information.
We reserve the right to take legal action against senders of spam mails in violation of
this prohibition. We at Native Booking only work with responsible third parties and
their websites so please bear in mind that this privacy statement applies solely to
Native Booking and associated services, so we would advise you to read
the third party sites’ policies.

  Partner Shop

For the use of our Shop, please read the privacy policy and terms of the AG (04229 Leipzig, Germany)

Copyright and Trademark Law

The content of this website is subject to German copyright law.
We at Native Booking strive to respect the copyrights of all images, graphics,
video sequences, sound files, and texts and other objects used with permission from
third parties on this website. The copyright for all other published objects created by
Native Booking remains with the Author of these pages. Therefore all content on this
website remain the property of their respective owners. Copying or reproducing the
Site or any part of this website is prohibited.Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution
or any kind of exploitation,require the written and express permission from the Author
or Native Booking. Pursuant to §§ 106 through 109 UrhG; Unauthorized Exploitation
of Copyrighted Works Para. 1 "Any person who, other than in a manner allowed by
law and without the right holder's consent, reproduces, distributes or publicly
communicates a work or an adaptation or transformation of a work shall be
liable to imprisonment for up to 3 (or even 5) years or a fine."
UrhG (Urheberrechtsgesetz; Copyright Law)
  - Violators will be Prosecuted -
Accrual of Trademark Protection (!)
German Trademark Act §§ 1 - 19d MarkenG;
Claims from other statutory provisions shall remain unaffected. 

Liability for Content

This website is specially designed
for Smartphones, and nearly every other Monitor sizes.
The content of our pages was prepared with the greatest possible care.
The management of this website as the owner of the Native Booking agency
cannot, however, assume any liability for the accuracy, completeness, and
currency of the content, and we accept no responsibility or liability for any
interruptions or delays of provided content. We also assume any liability for
transmitted Events! As a service provider, we are, pursuant to § 7 Para. 1 TMG
(Telemediengesetz; German Telemedia Act), responsible for our own content on
these pages in accordance with the general laws and regulations. Pursuant to §§ 8
through 10 TMG we, as a service provider, are not, however, obligated to monitor
third-party information that is transmitted or stored or to investigate whether there
are circumstances indicating any unlawful activity. This provision does not affect
our obligations to remove or block the use of information pursuant to the general
laws and regulations. Liability in this respect is, however, possible only as from the
point in time at which we become aware of a concrete violation. If we become
aware of any violations, we will remove such content immediately.
Youth Media Protection State Treaty; JMStV
Website without age Restrictions

Liability for Links

This website contains links to third party web sites. Please bear in mind this
privacy statement applies solely to Native Booking, the respective owners of all
linked web sites are responsible for their content, so we would advise you to read
the third party sites’ policies. Any use by you of such links occurs on your own
risk and responsibility, and by their usage you acknowledge we do not have any
obligation in respect of such sites and links.

Respect for Privacy

This is a user-friendly Website.
Native Booking has submitted to the Data Protection Code
for Web Site operators. This Code can be accessed at the imprint page.

We take privacy very seriously and are therefore committed to protect your
privacy. On this website we do not use plugins of third parties like Facebook or
Twitter, and we do not use Google Analytics or Google AdSense, but we do use
the embedded player made by Ustream at the stream page (Live Event Stream)
which itself uses Google Analytics!

Legal Validity and Policy Updates
From time to time, we at Native Booking may use provided information for new,
unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy policy. If our information
practices change we will immediately inform and post any adjustments to our policy
on this website. This will serve as your notification of these changes. If you are
concerned about how your information is used, please bookmark this page and
check back periodically or contact us at: info [at] nativebooking [dot] de


The Effective Date:
This Agreement was last revised on: June, 31, 2012
If you feel that Native Booking is not following this stated Privacy Policy,
please contact us through the details provided at the contact page.


This Site is controlled and managed in Bielefeld, DE


Copyright © 2010 - 2025 Native Booking